
When the throbbing stopped, he fell forward and rested his chest on my back.My brother and I remained connected for a few minutes, trying to regain our composure. He was still hard, but when he began to move, I stopped him."Not for a few minutes," I panted. "Save your strength for later, you're going to need it."Eddie pulled out of me, and a glob of cum dripped onto the floor. I got up and scurried into the bathroom, sat on the toilet and let the rest of my brother's semen drain into the bowl.. Then Mom, who had a blanket in her hand, led the way into the park.Now I'm not above a bit of spying. I like to watch couples doing it. Sometimes the girl turns me on, but more often it's watching the male bodies that are the real trip. I know girls aren't supposed to be really into that sort of thing, you have to admit all of those naked bodies can be pretty interesting.Mom was Already naked, and she had one hand on a cock while she was kissing someone else. The other two guys were feeling her. “We’re trying to find remains.”“Remains? Like human remains?”“Well, mortal remains to be less specific. We were conducting a ritual to resurrect someone when the fire happened, and the new hierophant wants to find what’s left of him so it can be properly buried.”I blinked, confused until I remembered that in AD&D clerics could combine their powers, to give one of their number a boost to cast higher-level spells. “Uh, you don’t know who that person was, who was going to be resurrected?”The. Four ... three ... two ... one ... zero,” Abi said.As soon as we dropped out of hyperspace the view of the area outside of the ship changed dramatically. Taking up a good thirty to forty percent of the total viewscreen was the nebula that Abi had told us about. It was a myriad of different colors, though red and purple dominated it. Along with the beautiful colors were hundreds of stars, some within the nebula itself and others many light-years behind it.It was one of the most beautiful things.
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